Blog Awards: Kreativ and Versatile

I’ve been nominated for some MORE awards.

I know, go figure!

Two more nominations for the Kreativ Blogger and three for the Versatile Blogger. I admit that I’m behind on acknowledging the blogging awards. Better late than never. I’ve created a page imaginatively called *awards* to show my appreciation and list all the awards and the fabulous folk who have nominated me.


Christina over at The After-dream and Rebecca from A Word or More have nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger. I recommend you check out both blogs. I’ve had a total of FIVE nominations for this award. Wow!


The RULES for this award are as follows:

1. Thank the person nominating your for the award: Check

2. List ten things about yourself: Here is the link to my previous acceptance.

3. Nominate SIX blogs you think deserve the Kreativ Blogger Award.


My nominations for the Kreativ Blogger Award are:








Thanks again to Rebecca and Christine.


versatile-blogger photo

I’ve also received THREE more nominations for the Versatile Blogger award. Beth over at the  The Vintage Style Queen, H Conrad Miller from A Side of Writing blog and Kourtney from Kourtney Heintz’s Journal. These bring my total to EIGHT and I’m chuffed to bits (very happy) to be honoured again. All three post great blogs. You should check them out.


This rules for accepting this award are as follows:

1. Thank the award-givers and link back to them in your post. Check.

2. Share 7 things about yourself. Cheating check as my previous acceptances and nominations are here and here.

3. Pass this award along 10 or 15. Check. Well sort of. I’ve nominated 30 blogs before so am only nominating 6 this time.

4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award. Check.


There is an official Versatile Award blog at: My six nominations are:









Thanks again to Beth, Kourtney and H. Conrad for the nominations.

About Pete Denton

I'm a writer working my way through the redrafts of a British crime novel. I also write short stories, flash fiction and some screen writing. Check out my blog for more.
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21 Responses to Blog Awards: Kreativ and Versatile

  1. Thanks Pete, I think I have a stack piling up too, preferring to visit and congratulate you on being a deserving recipient 🙂 So well done indeed!

  2. Reminds me, I have to catch up on a couple of award receipt thank yous! Congrats for yours, well deserved!

  3. Kourtney Heintz says:

    I think your blog is truly loved! Wow that is a ton of nominations for awards. 🙂 Congrats!

  4. Thanks for your kind words and nominations Pete! Keep up the good work.

  5. rtd14 says:

    Congrats Pete!

  6. mutantbee says:

    Thank you so much Pete!

    Also, congrats on all your nominations! 😀

  7. EllaDee says:

    Congratulations on more awards – well deserved, and I’ll be soon happily checking out the blogs you’ve nominated 🙂

    • Pete Denton says:

      Thanks, EllaDee. I’m always humbled that people take the time to nominate my blog. I’ve had a good hunt around for these blogs so I hope you enjoy.

  8. coreymp says:

    Congratulations Pete and thank you so much for the nomination! You rock!

  9. Pingback: Kreativ Blogger Award Nomination-YAY! « Honestgoodadvice's Blog

  10. Pingback: Kreative Blogger – Kazaam « LE ARTISTE BOOTS

  11. Pingback: Really, It’s an Honour To Be Nominated… « MikesFilmTalk

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