Day 20 at the campsite

Who would have thought that I would still be camping 20 days in? Still having a blast and most importantly for me, still writing every day.

This is the first time I have written for 20 consecutive days. I enjoyed writing whilst watching the Olympics and cheering on #TeamGB and Mo Farah, Jess Ennis and the other competitors going for GOLD. Even now I’m back enduring the day job, I am still enjoying writing every day.

During August there has only been one day, last Wednesday, when my word count was less than 1,000 words. I recommend this camping lark. Inspiring me to write, write and write some more.

Car Camping at Hunting Island State Park, Sout...

This is an actual picture of me and where I’m writing A Scream In The Woods. Alternatively, it is a Car Camping at Hunting Island State Park, South Carolina, USA. Taken by User:Mwanner, June, 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve maintained a 2,000 words a day average and today burst through the 40k mark. In fact, I ended the day with over 42,000 words written in the month.

I have less than 8k left to write. Or do I?

Since I first heard the strange name of NaNoWriMo I’ve wanted to take part. I know the idea is to get you writing and 50,000 words in one month is a mammoth amount. The challenge for August is to hit the 50k mark, but I don’t care about that any more.

Finishing the NOVEL is now the goal. I thought this month would be a good chance to kick-start a new project. Have a go at writing in a different style to my usual writing. Experiment writing a novel in 1st person. A novel, not just the first 50,000 words.

A Scream In The Woods has moved on to chapter 17 and I have about 7 chapters left to plan. I want to finish this draft now, seeing beyond the NaNo part of the process. I’m not going to achieve that in August. I do expect to surpass the 50k mark and carry on writing at the same intensity until I finish the first draft.

Then I can put it to rest for a while as I pick up the next draft of my Crime Novel.

No rest for the wicked 🙂

About Pete Denton

I'm a writer working my way through the redrafts of a British crime novel. I also write short stories, flash fiction and some screen writing. Check out my blog for more.
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24 Responses to Day 20 at the campsite

  1. Donna Brown says:

    Nano-ing is such an eye opener. I will be participating in my 4th this year. I have won every year for the past three years. I have heard so many people complain that they don’t have the time. Everyone has the same number of hours. They just don’t put NaNoWriMo high enough in their priority list to make it happen. Anyone can do it, and by anyone, I mean me. If I can do it, anyone can do it. My whole paradigm changed after my first NaNoWriMo. I can see that you feel the same way.

    • Pete Denton says:

      Thanks, Donna. I think that is exactly it for me. The changing priority is now my writing. NaNo helped focus that and I will participate again. And again. And …

  2. I want you to know that if I sign up for NaNoWriMo this year, it will be your fault!

  3. rtd14 says:

    That is wonderful news! I hope you continue to succeed. The first step is getting everything on the page or screen.

  4. Subtlekate says:

    You are doing outstanding things. Yes, finish the novel, that should definitely be the goal. Hit it.

    • Pete Denton says:

      Now I’m back at work and I’m in the routine, I have to go for it. Slow night so far but another day with some writing so can’t complain.

      Keep up the good work

  5. Writing and camping sounds like a really great way to get that draft done! Good stuff.

  6. katkasia says:

    Way to go Pete! I think that’s pretty damn impressive writing 2000 words a day for 20 days. Not something I could manage I suspect. 🙂

  7. 4amWriter says:

    I love that–now you know you can reach 50,000 words with no problem, you’re not stopping there. You’re going for the gold! 🙂

  8. Maribeth says:

    The book I am getting prepared to query started from Nanowrimo two years ago. I never dreamt it would take me two years to finish but it has. Good luck on your writing and know your story of camping and writing is inspiring.

    • Pete Denton says:

      Thank you, Maribeth. I hope to finish the first draft during September and then return to my other WIP. NaNo is the way forward for me. I hope to take part again either November or next year. Good luck with your novel 🙂

  9. Kourtney Heintz says:

    Congrats on achieving being so close to achieving the Nano goal. It’s cool that when you break through one goal, you set a bigger one! Cheering you on to the finish line with your manuscript. 🙂

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