The A to Z Challenge and what is a Blog Blitz?


I took part in the 2013 A to Z Challenge and whilst I’m NOT participating this time around I thought I’d remind you of this blogging extravaganza in case you were interested.

I thoroughly enjoyed last year’s competition, but I know that I don’t have the time to edit my book and take part again this year. I would need to have started planning my posts about six months ago to do that. 🙂

If you’ve never heard of this challenge then let me give you its brief:

For 26 days in April you post about a letter of the alphabet. The first post will be about the letter and the second post will be about letter B and so on. You do know your A, B Cs don’t you?

You can have a theme or not have a theme. The choice is yours. My A post was about Adverbs and the most viewed post was Understanding Trace Evidence. My overall theme was Crime Writing so a mixture of posts about writing and a blood splattering of forensics inspired posts amongst other things.

If you’re ever stuck for something to read you could check out my 2013 A to Z posts. I even created a page to keep them all neat and tidy. Shameless plugging. 🙂

I had a blast and met loads of new people. From those who found me during the challenge to the blogs I sought out from the official list of competitors.

A more detailed explanation is found on the official blog. You need to officially sign-up and by doing this you will get many visitors checking out the participants. It all makes sense.

So, are you taking part this year?

Let me know and I will drop by during the challenge to give you my support.

Blog Blitz EditThat community spirit and support from the A to Z Challenge is abundant in the Blog Blitz as well. This is a support concept from DL Hammons. Imagine if a couple of hundred fellow bloggers descended on your blog one day!

There are currently 350+ members of the team. Every week or so, DL sends you an email with a couple of bloggers to visit. Doesn’t take much of your time and can really help the blogger being blitzed. Some have been to visit bloggers who are having a hard time or need a pick-me-up.

Each time we have a random blogger from the list and a blogger that has been recommended for a visit. It’s great fun and you get to meet some new bloggers.

We’re having a recruitment drive to try and get the members over 500. To check it out either click the Blog Blitz picture above or here.

Thanks for reading and have yourself a GREAT weekend 🙂

About Pete Denton

I'm a writer working my way through the redrafts of a British crime novel. I also write short stories, flash fiction and some screen writing. Check out my blog for more.
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31 Responses to The A to Z Challenge and what is a Blog Blitz?

  1. Thanks for the reminder about these two blog initiatives, Pete. I did the A-Z blog last year on odors, something I try to incorporate in my writing. Bloggers such as you have done such a marvelous job of tackling elements of writing in general, and mystery writing in particular, that I couldn’t improve. But as a Renaissance art minor in college, I have been really interested in seeing if I could go back and do a little reminiscing. A little off the beaten path, but fun for me. Hope the readers like it, too. Forgive me for the plug!

  2. I love the idea of doing this and I will do it one day (I’ve got a list somewhere of topics) but I think if I do it it’ll be next year now. I’ve too much to write and edit the first half of the year. I might go over and sign up now though if I can as you’ve provided the link 🙂

  3. Kourtney Heintz says:

    I love the concept, but it’s just feel like too big a time commitment for me and my readers. I know how much I struggle to keep on top of all the blogs I read. But for people participating in the challenge and supporting each other, it sounds like a great way to make sure you are writing daily. 🙂

    • Pete Denton says:

      It definitely is a massive commitment. I know last year it took a lot out of me. You’re right about getting into the habit of writing daily. It was good for that. Definitely need to plan more next time. 🙂

      • Kourtney Heintz says:

        When I started blogging, I posted 5 days a week. That was a hectic schedule. This is even more than that. I think it’s awesome that you were able to do it one year!

  4. It looks like the sign-up on that page if for LAST year, but I’ll keep an eye out. I need more visits (and comments!) to my blog, and this seems like a fun way to get that. Not to mention the motivation to write more…

    • Pete Denton says:

      The link should just take you to the A-Z site and the page is there to sign-up.

      I definitely enjoyed a boost in comments and visits after signing up. Good luck 🙂

  5. Gwen Stephens says:

    I remember these posts Pete, and I enjoyed them. I won’t be taking part, but I do like reading the creativity of those who participate.

  6. I think I will give this challenge a try this year!!!

  7. Thanks for the blog visit, Pete.

  8. I enjoyed your challenge last year.

  9. jmmcdowell says:

    Far too much for me to handle! But it sounds like a great way to get in the habit of writing every day. I just need to get into that habit again with my novels. 😉

  10. dlhammons says:

    I’m also skipping the challenge this year as I try and finish off my most recent WIP. Thank you for helping to spread the word about the BLOG BLITZ! It is much appreciated! 🙂

  11. I will be participating this year, and sorry to hear you won’t be there. But I totally understand. Took me weeks to recover after last year’s challenge. Congrats on the book.
    The Blog Blitz sounds fun. So, I just add my name to the list and get ready for the onslaught? 🙂

    • Pete Denton says:

      Good luck with the challenge. I will stop by during the challenge to see what you’re A to Z’ing about!

      The Blog Blitz is fun. I’m still waiting for my blitzing 😉

  12. I think I’m going try to do the A to Z blog challenge this year. Usually pretty fun, and I love reading what others post each day.

    I’ll have to check out the blog Blitz you mentioned, as well. 🙂

  13. 4amWriter says:

    I won’t be joining in, as I don’t generally need an incentive to write daily. I also don’t think I could manage the time commitment. But, I know that challenges and groups like these are wonderful support centers. Every writer can always use support!

  14. cassmob says:

    Like you I decided to give 2014 A to Z a miss and as it’s turned out round here that was a wise decision, even though I had the perfect alphabetical trail. Now I have two choices for 2015.

Let me know what you think